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It has been decided to postpone LUNCH CLUB #7 till Mid December 2020 to coincide with the festive season.

Hopefully, by then we will be back to a sense of normality and the Hotel patron numbers won't be an issue.

Keep checking back in coming weeks for more details as the socializing situation improves. 


Best Regards....................Frank Harvey


It was July 10th 2020 and we were feeling slightly more fortunate than our Melbourne cousins. They were in strict lockdown owing to a second wave of the virus. Us Geelong guys and Gals were still allowed to dine out at a Pub, albeit under fairly strict conditions. It had been four months between drinks for us Lunch Clubbers and it was great to catch up after being constrained for so long. 

This time we had no choice where to sit plus we didn't annoy the other patrons with our riotous chatter and laughter as the tables were sparsely positioned. Essentially, as you would imagine, 'Covid' and consequential survival stories were the hot topic. Once more the food was marvelous.

On a sad note, our good pal Adrian Jordan was much missed this time, as he always will be.


Although it is a tentative date ,we will attempt to catch up again on the 11th Sept 2020 .   Any updates on this date will be posted here and via email as they occur.

Just a reminder that all 'Class of 1968' past pupils and their spouses/partners/carers etc are most welcome to join us at our Bi-Monthly catch up.

Latest picture of the gang at the Fyansford Hotel, is available to view in the members area under the 'Lunch Club' Tab.

NEXT LUNCH CLUB: 1pm, Friday 16th Oct, 2020 - Fyansford Hotel 

NB: (Check Back Here Prior)


Hopefully  , we will be 'out from under this rock' sooner rather than later. I would like to wish you & yours, good luck, good health and God's protection through this difficult time.       



Best Regards....................Frank Harvey

NOTE: Date Change


We had been keen to catch up again on the 15th May, which yes, was very optimistic.
Following recent announcements by the Premier, which indicated a slow easing of other restrictions, we had decided it prudent to postpone 'Lunch Club #6'. 

UPDATE: If you would care to join us and your circumstances permit, I can now confirm 'LUNCH CLUB #6' will now be held

@ 1pm on Friday the 10th of July 2020 ..... Fyansford Hotel.
Hope you can make it.

Just a reminder that all 'Class of 1968' past pupils and their spouses/partners/carers etc, are most welcome to join us at this Bi-Monthly catch up.

On behalf of 'The Class of 1968', I would like to again wish you & yours, good luck & good health through this exceptional period.        

Best Regards....................Frank Harvey 
(on behalf of 'St Margaret's Class of 1968')​


**Subject To
Continued Venue Lock-Down


10th July -1pm......see you there!!

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